Sim Racing Boom is Set to Continue

Initially prompted by the ongoing global pandemic, the sim racing boom is set to continue well into 2021 and beyond. The world of eSports plans on reaching new gaming heights and greater gaming development than ever before. Motorsport Games alone have witnessed a sale of up to three million shares in the company which has helped raise $60 million.

With widespread cancellations across the motorsport racing industry in 2020; the sim racing market really made a significant breakthrough that year. It prospered due to so many racing spectators opting for the virtual event instead (as their only option) which was a real eye opener for the industry leaders. The CEO of Motorsport Games Dmitry Kozko has expressed that things are now prepared to get even bigger in the months ahead.

The sim racing boom is set to continue as Motorsport Games hosted more than fifty eSports events throughout 2020 which reached a total of over 51 million viewers around the world. This is an astonishing achievement when this is compared to the audience size of 3.8 million spectators that would make up the audience of the live racing events from the year previous.

With such a large interest in Motorsport Games, this shows the strength of the gaming industry at present. Kozko recently revealed big proposals that Motorsport Games have exciting plans with Nintendo Switch – teasing that these plans will introduce a first for the Nintendo device. Not only is this great news for millions of motorsport spectators around the world who are currently still experiencing different levels of lockdown restrictions; but it allows the industry to open up to a much younger and new type of demographic.

Many other investors have connected with Motorsport Games and have witnessed a clear roadmap for growth with a solid understanding of their mission. Motorsport Games are now aiming to promote a preeminent eSport entertainment ecosystem by delivering high quality and innovative gaming experiences.

Motorsport Games also plans to develop a number of new gaming platforms and products in the year ahead that will guarantee a dramatic and exciting experience for the gamer. Although the sim racing boom is set to continue with a very exhilarating future ahead, the biggest winner from all of this will be the motorsport fans.

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