Mercedes F1 Help Create Breathing Device

We have seen how the COVID-19 (coronavirus) outbreak has affected not just motorsport, but virtually every aspect of the world. For the motorsport world itself, this has seen a rise in both iRacing and eSports as a result – with Sport 21 being pioneers in both sponsorship and driver support in this exciting area. It has been great to see the most recent contribution from our world to the health world, with Mercedes F1 assisting with the creation of a breathing device to help COVID-19 patients.

Working in conjunction with clinicians at University College London (UCL) and also engineers at UCL, they have created a device known as the CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure). This is a breathing apparatus that is designed to help those battling lung infections and it offers a less invasive method with which patients with COVID-19 can be treated when they require aid with breathing.

A great boon for the device is that it has been approved for use by the NHS (National Health Service) and so it can get to work to help those who need it. Clinical trials for it have already begun and they are expected to be mass produced soon to help combat the need for urgent medical equipment on the frontlines of this virus pandemic. Both Mercedes F1 and UCL have spoken about their collaboration to create the device.

Mercedes HPP’s Managing Director, Andy Cowell, stated: “We have been proud to put our resources at the service of UCL to deliver the CPAP project to the highest standards and in the fastest possible timeframe.” While Professor David Lomas, UCL’s Vice Provost (Health), explained that this “shows what can be done when universities, industry and hospitals join forces for the national good.”

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