McLaren Test for Ling & Sbirrazzuoli

Cedric Sbirrazzuoli
and Kang Ling

Sport 21 were beyond proud to take Monaco’s Cedric Sbirrazzuoli and Chinese racer Kang Ling to a very successful test with Optimum Motorsport / McLaren Customer Racing at the Circuit de Catalunya in Spain. This is but one of the great examples of what we here at Sport 21 do and can do for the likes of Optimum, McLaren and more – putting the right talent and teams in contact with each other and brokering deals which we view as opportunities that can be platforms for success.

Ollie Wilkinson

Leading on from this, Optimum Motorsport will compete in the newly renamed GT World Challenge Europe Endurance Cup and the Sprint Cup (which was formerly known as the Blancpain GT Series) in 2020. With this, Ollie Wilkinson will be returning and starting an exciting new chapter of his career with the team. This is an exciting time and event too for any lover of motorsport as Ollie has rapidly risen through the ranks and is a name to watch on the track. It is great to be able to witness new talent like this to flourish on bigger and better stages and showcases as they progress in their careers.

Following the successful test at Circuit de Catalunya

Sport 21 are brokering further deals behind the scenes as we work to create even more opportunities for drivers, teams and the motorsport industry overall. You can click / tap here to learn more about what we do here at Sport 21 as our motorsport consultancy agency services include the likes driver development, team advisory and consultancy, motorsport concierge (a niche offering of ours), team evolution and more.

Use the form below to contact us and take the first step towards grasping the opportunities that we can connect you to. We look at these as platforms of success that can well and truly lead to podium positions.