COVID-19 – Changing Cars to Care

Three motorsport powerhouses have graciously repurposed the likes of their premises, technologies and output to combat COVID-19. Learn about their efforts here – efforts that demonstrate the ability of the world of motorsport to change its focus from cars to care in the fight against coronavirus.



Supported by both the University of Bologna and the region of Emilia-Romagna, Lamborghini have repurposed sections of their production plant in Bologna (Sant’Agata) to now produce both surgical masks and plexiglass shields. With this initiative they can produce one-thousand of these masks and two-hundred of the plexiglass shields every day and these are being donated to the Sant’Orsola-Malphigi hospital in Bologna.



Following on from their key role in developing a breathing aid device; Mercedes are now repurposing their entire Brixworth facility to make these Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) devices. According to a press release from Mercedes: “Currently, 40 machines that would normally produce F1 pistons and turbochargers are being used for production of the CPAP devices, and the entire Brixworth facility has been repurposed to meet this demand.”

f1 to resume at silverstone this summer sport 21


As they have a dedicated medical centre on-site, Silverstone have offered this to the NHS as needed for any extra capacity and overflow purposes. As posted on their official Twitter account: “We’re delighted to be able to offer the Silverstone medical centre to the #NHS in their ongoing battle to fight COVID-19. Whatever we can do to help, we’re ready to do it.” This along with the efforts by Lamborghini and Mercedes above, reflects the efforts that the motorsport world are mobilising to help fight this global pandemic not just for the good of motorsport or cars – but for the good of all.


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